Sometimes I teach and/or talk at people for an extended period of time. Here are some materials from times that I have done that.
The Human-Machine Centipede. A talk about AI I gave at WordHack in June 2024.
Web Production II. An introductory course on creative web development with JavaScript I taught at CUNY Hunter in fall 2021.
Space, Time, Rules and Rooms: How Games Create Narrative Out Of Space. A talk about Vladimir Propp, Colossal Cave Adventure, and some ideas I have about how games behave like maps. Given (remotely) at Narrascope 2020.
Echoes. A talk about my master's thesis for ITP Thesis Week 2020. In order to discover if artificial intelligence could "replace" me in any meaningful sense, I trained machine learning models to communicate for me using my email, text message, and voice data. I'm not sure if I was successful, but it was as strange, funny, and haunting experience.
Web Scraping For Better Datasets. An introductory workshop on web scraping with Scrapy for Tech For Social Good Day 2020.
Machines Are Poets Too. A lecture and workshop on generative text I've given a bunch of times, most recently at the 2020 Electronic Literature Conference. A video of the latest version is linked - you can check out the materials from the class here.
Intro To Physical Computing. With James Hosken. Short workshop going over basic concepts in physical computing, ITP Camp 2019.
GitHub for Artists. With Matt Ross. Introductory workshop on Git and GitHub with an emphasis on creative collaboration, ITP Camp 2019.